Monday, August 5, 2024


Trees, in the Bible, is often metaphoric for men both alive and to come. Ezekiel wrote, “The Word of the Lord came unto me…” (Ezek 15:1). 

The “Word” in that passage is “Dabar” in the Hebrew, According to Saint John, Jesus is Ha Dabar, if John had written in the Hebrew. In the Greek, Jesus was “Ho Logos.” Ho Logos in the Greek is Ha Shem in the Hebrew“THE NAME” (THE WORD) in English.

Jesus, before time began, was neither the Image — the “Shadow” or “Phantom” of God (Selem) — nor the Person of God, but “Ha Dabar” — the third Substance of the Godhead, or Holy Trinity. There was one Person, one Ghost, and one other Existence that made up the One God of the Holy Trinity.

One substance was material, another immaterial, and the third — “The Word” — was of an entirely different substance, not material, not immaterial, but action. The third substance of the Holy Trinity is the Dynamic of God. So, what is a Dynamic?

“Dynamic is a term used to describe a force or factor that controls or influences a process of growth, change, interaction, or activity” (Merriam-Webster 2023).

According to that a Dynamic is a force that causes activity, or motion. Therefore, since Power is force over distance and time, The Word is “Power.”  John understood the Power of God and so had Ezekiel. John wrote, speaking of Jesus: 

In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4) 

There was much going on in the beginning; The Word made all things and then gave life unto them. The Word was the Creator God, not a different God, but one aspect of Him.

The Existence of God is verified by the things that were made. (Rom 1:20). So, faith begins with The Word, that God is who He says He is, that He had the Power to Create, and that the Power of God is just as much God as Jesus. Likewise, that the Phantom Existence of God is as much God as Jesus.

On the other hand, since Jesus is “The Way” (Mark 1:3), The Way is “The Word.”

“The Way” is “Hodos” in the Greek, meaning “To Go” (Strong 2006).  The Word equals the Way and To God. Hence, The Word is the Dynamic of God. It is neither of the two substances, but the Power of God. Luke got it right! He wrote: 

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38) 

Therein is the “Godhead” — God Himself who endued to Jesus the Holy Ghost who had Power. Therefore, there is one God whose substances are three. Power is as real as the Thing and the Ghost of the Thing. There is no life without Power as Merriam and Webster reveals with the word “Dynamic.”

Luke did not say “Power” but promoted the definition of Webster; using the Greek word “Dynamis” from which “Dynamic” is derived. In many places Dynamis is translated as “Virtue” that Jesus lost in making people whole. Therefore, The Word is not only The Dynamic of God but since God is good, then the Dynamic is Goodness, or “Virtue.”

One man spoke to Jesus who responded to him, “Why call you Me good? there is none Good but One, that is God…” (Mat 19:17). The Goodness of God is therefore the Dynamic Word of God that is the Force of Goodness revealed to mankind in activity.

When anyone prays for the Will of God be done, and it is done, that activity is the Dynamic of God. He reveals His Existence by the things that He does. It is not fate nor coincidence that works in the lives of Christians, but The Word revealing itself by the good things God does for Christians. If it is not good, measured by the metrics of God — The Ten Commandments — then it is not “The Word” that responds to our prayers.

Where was The Word in scripture? Creating and writing are two of them. God was the Dynamic of Creating (“The Word”) — and the Dynamic of writing good sayings on stone. In a sense, the Ten Commandments are The Word of God that describes The Way of God.

Jesus said, “Think not that I Am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I Am not come to destroy, but to fulfil” (Mat 5:17).

“Fulfill” is a simple translation. Jesus came to imbue (pleroo) the Law. If the Law is the Dynamic of God, then Jesus is the shell, vessel, or “cup” for it. He completes the Law, indicating that The Law is the Dynamic of God — The Word.

God spoke those Words (Exod 20:1). It was His Dynamic of speech. He may have not spoken the Word audibly but indelibly.

God delivered to Moses “two tables of stone written with the finger of God” (Deut 9:10). The Dynamic of God was writing The Word, or sayings, of God. The Power of God dynamically etched The Word in stone for perpetuity.

The Power that wrote The Word on tablets of stone was the “Virtue” of God so written by His Dynamic.

Throughout the Bible God appears as One Substance at any given time. In the beginning, He appeared to the world as the Creator — the great Power of God. After God rested, or stopped, afterword God appeared to mankind as The Voice, walking (Gen 3:8). God was invisible when at rest; however, imagine God walking and talking in the Garden as His surroundings responded to His Dynamic by their own dynamics. Adam knew that God was walking and talking by His movement among the vines of the Garden.

God seemed not to Exist, but His Dynamic proved His Existence; that He is what He says He is — “The Existence.”

When God rested, there was no motion. However, He remained God, albeit they could not see Him. The Invisible God is revealed to mankind by what He does. Paul got it right when he spoke to the Romans.

God rested for over 400 years, the “Big Bang” — Jesus — was God manifested for mankind to see the Personality of God. God, just as with the first Adam, He did so with the “Last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45). The Word covered the “nakedness” of God that was Good with flesh that was not so good but would meet His needs. With Jesus, The Word covered the nakedness — the Phantom — of God with the Garment of Adam (Gen 3:21) which He had made (Dynamic).

The Work, or Dynamic, of God was thereafter on Adam so that He knew that God was real. He in a sense, wore The Dynamic of God; he had The Word covering his own existence.

Paul wrote to the Christians at Ephesus, “My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of his might” (Ephes 6:10). They were to walk in the Power of the Lord. The Word would be with them in Power. Then Paul described the whole armor of God; he was describing the invisible Dynamic that Christians must wear to remain safe from the wicked one. The armor of God that Christians wear, if they are really Christians, may have been the same Garment of God that Adam wore to remain safe until they are saved when Jesus gave up His life for Adam and his kind.

God was not really silent and at rest for 400-plus years before Jesus came. The Word — the Power of God — was building empires to correct the Israelites. God built Assyrian, Babylonia, Greece, and Rome for His purposes for Israel while they all failed to see God. He even made the Persian Empire to save the Jews from the Babylonians. God never rests; we just fail to see His Dynamics.

Take this day, for instance. I see God, not in the Person Jesus nor the invisible Shadow of God like Moses, but I see the Dynamic of God all around us. Just as Satan uses good to dispense evil, God uses bad things against evil to make goodness.

Now, there is the threat of WWIII. What should Christians do? We should prepare for the Day of the Lord. If the threat of nuclear disintegration is not enough to change us, then the threat of Kamala Harris with her finger on the “Big Bang Bomb” will not be enough.

I see God in the world right now. It is the same as in the days of Noah that scripture warns about (Luke 17:26).

God planted Biden on the presidential seat to make Christians see his way as not The Way. Yet even many Christians think his way is good, even condoning homosexuality and trans-anything that God finds abominable (disgusting).

One church-going friend accepts homosexuality; her reasoning is that it “always existed.” Indeed, it has, but it had always been wrong! It was not always accepted, but now it is. There is no longer a pure church because church is full of sinful people who place no value in The Word written on stone. If it was once wrong, because it is on stone, the sin is always wrong!

Hopefully by now you understand God more so. The Creator was the “naked Jesus” who was not ashamed. He revealed Himself as the Phantom Image of God. That was His nakedness and the nakedness of Adam and the woman who were not ashamed (Gen 2:25).

When God rested, He was invisible, but He was still God.

When God was doing good, He was still manifested by His Power and was still God.

When the “nakedness” of God was covered for us humans, the Garment of Skin was still God in the flesh that was made by the Dynamic of God.

With that said, if you cannot see God, then you indeed are blind to everything around you. God is everywhere and hidden in plain site, but few understand that God is Existence whether it be matter, non-matter, or in Power.  Now, can you finally see God?

Those trees that Ezekiel saw; they were as men walking. Jesus, in the eyes of the blind man, would be as the Tree of Life walking (Mark 8:24).

Those trees of the Garden of Eden; they were as men walking. The Garden of Eden may have been a Garden of Living Souls wherein the first Adam was planted (Gen 2:7-8). The Tree of Life in the Garden was surely God at rest. God was there but rooted to the ground, as if He was a tree at rest. You can see God in the trees, not in their skin (the bark) but in the motion of its leaves that are for the healing of the nations (Rev 22:2).

Perhaps you don’t understand that the One God has three manifestations, and only two times were all three manifested simultaneously… at the transfiguration and the crucifixion.

"Walking Tree," FLICKR



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