Friday, August 16, 2024


Things may not be what they seem to be. From the beginning of the world, life itself is dangerous! Reality may be just an illusion, or better said, “a delusion.”

Socrates questioned, “What is truth?”  Plato, among others, even Pontius Pilate, sought the answer to that.

A scribe questioned Jesus about which is the greatest commandments; ignore His answer for a moment and consider the scribe’s response saying said to Him, “Well, Master, you have said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but He” (Mat 12:31).

Jesus never argued with that but verified it on the Cross.

Pilate even asked, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) and Jesus showed him. When the Holy Ghost left Jesus, it revealed that there was one God and that He is Jesus. I believe that God even used Plato’s Allegory of the Cave to prove that! [1]

What was the truth in the beginning? That there was one God who made all things, and that man was made glorious in the Image of God.

Lucifer’s claim to fame is that he is the one true god (Isa 14:13-14).

On the day of the crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus gave up the Holy Ghost. On that same day, Judas gave up the Unholy Ghost, Lucifer, called “Satan.” The events of Good Friday 33 AD revealed the truth; there is indeed one God just as the scribe believed, albeit he did not understand the other worldly nature of God in man.

Now to the beginning: The cause of original sin was deception from under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The woman excused her actions by saying, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat” (Gen 3:13). That was the cunning one’s purpose; God used that alien being who had been cast out of heaven to deceive the woman. Hence, the so-called “Tree of Wisdom” was more so, the “Tree of Deception.”

Adam and the woman theretofore knew only truth. What is truth? There is one God.

Then comes another Phantom being who claimed to be God, and the woman fell for the deception. Indeed, all the body of knowledge to this day contains both good and evil, so what are we to do?

Paul provided the answer, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thes 5:21-22). Many versions used the translation to “test all things.”

The chief priests tested both Judas and Jesus and they literally hanged what was Good, but that was not what Paul meant! Both were hung on their respective “trees” but the bad has gone unnoticed while the good is our focus; hence, “Good Friday.”

The crucifixion proved that Judas with Satan in him (Luke 22:3) was not the one God. Christians have hung onto the notion that Jesus is God, and He proved that to Pilate.

However, the chief priests believed that Jesus was an imposter even as they realized that Judas was the foremost imposter, even denying they even knew him in the manner of Peter’s denial of Jesus.

The body of knowledge to this day contains both good and evil. One way to detect the difference is how often the lie is repeated. Jesus was crucified one time to prove that He was one God, and Paul wrote to the Hebrews these words, “If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame” (Heb 6:6).

Not only was it unnecessary to offer periodic sacrifices, as was the priestly custom, but one statement was enough. God sacrificed His own flesh once for good, so that mankind could be saved.

Note that Jesus did not repeat the truth. He said that He is God, and one time is enough. Since that time mankind has repeated billions of times that there is no God, but repetition does not make that true. However, repetition has made it seem to be true!

Repetition is evidence that something about the saying is not true. Aldous Huxley, in his book Brave New World, wrote, “Sixty-two thousand four-hundred repetitions make one truth.” Of course, it does not and that was mere hyperbole, but repetition is indeed quite persuasive, especially when entertainers that you admire say them!

Take for example something simple: “Oil comes from long dead dinosaurs that have decayed,” indicating that the supply is limited and that we should curb the use of “fossil fuels.” That has been repeated so often that people, despite the evidence that it is untrue, still call oils and gases “fossil fuels.” More so, it is them that are “fossil fools” to still believe that oft repeated deception.

Deception always has a motive. The so-called, “Serpent’s” motive was to undermine the truth. The truth, even then, was that there is one God. In a sense, the serpentine angel made itself the “God” because Adam and the woman ignored the One True God.

Lucifer (The Serpent) made a new truth. The woman was so gullible that it did not require many repetitions, but the pseudepigrapha sacred literature, Adam and Eve and Their Conflicts with Satan, reveal that Satan made continuous repetitions to cause conflict in their minds to the point that Adam did physically die. Repetition, if that is true, made Satan the real God by his use of continual deception.

The greatest deception is the disuse of the word “deception.” Eve was “beguiled” (nasa in the Hebrew). The serpent was “two-faced.” There were two images that the woman saw — she saw the luminous angel, Lucifer, not realizing that with that angel was darkness. Thereafter, since the new kind, “Eve” was somehow “engaged” to the Wicked One, and as the “mother of all living” (Gen 3:20), rather than being born in the light of God, all of her kind are born in darkness. As sons and daughters of Eve, we are all easily deluded (beguiled).

Deceivers depend on that! Adam was imbued only with goodness since he was made in the Image of God. Whatever the fruit, Adam and his mate were soon imbued with deception, and thereafter their kind, us, have always had a problem with the question, “What is truth?”

There is at least one honest man, albeit he spouted off without thinking; Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare said, “We depended on the stupidity of the American voter” to pass that into law. That was surely the truth that he revealed too hastily, but what he meant is that American voters easily fall for deception. That now means about half the nation believe that the government, not God, will take care of you. It is the original sin all over again.

Why is that so meaningful? In this “awakened” economy, people are asleep to truth. They fail to test all things and hang onto what is good.

Testing requires motivation and action. Testing indeed is hard work. It is so much easier to eat whatever is fed to you as was the case with naïve Eve. She failed to test the premise that the fruit was good. It sounded good, looked good, maybe even smelled good, but the fruit was rotten within. She imbibed in some gene-altering concoction that the Devil cooked up for her to swallow. I suppose there was even a “worm” in the fruit — the so-called “Serpent” was just a small worm… perhaps a sperm to engender the woman with new genes.

Remember the mantra so recently about the COVID vaccine. Basically, take it; it will prevent you from dying and save the world! I tested that acclamation, and it failed. I have met deception, and the truth won!

Remember the proud use of your Facebook friends about the vaccine with their pride in taking the COVID vaccine? Without any proof that it worked; they stood in long lines, thinking it would! They even held the sign, “Mission Accomplished” without even wondering whose mission!

That was deception, as has now been proven. Biden even indicated recently that they are working on a “vaccine that works” (his new words), admitting that what he said “works” did not work. However, naïve people, even my own doctor, fell for the deception. Everybody, regardless of how intelligent, can fall for deception because deceptive things are the easiest things to do!

Eve could have said, “Excuse me Lucifer, are you really God?? She could have said, “Show me some evidence that this fruit is really good for me.” She could have demanded that a monkey eat the fruit before she tasted it.

However, Adam ate based on short term testing. After all, the woman ate, and she did not die. She still looked “woman,” but within, her genetics were changed. She did die although she was made immortal. If the long-term results were awaited, Adam would have seen the woman die, which she did. The truth was that the fruit that seemed so good to them did make them die; not only them but all their kind thereafter.

The destiny of us all is to die in the flesh, but a few will never die in the spirit. Only God can kill the spirit with any of us, “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell” (Mat 10:28).

Satan killed their bodies… after 900 plus years, but only God could destroy their Image of Him within them! Because of grace, the souls of Adam and his woman never died!

The thought now is that we shall never die; that our souls will all go to heaven without regard to the truth that those not in Christ shall indeed parish. We think we have been good and that we deserve to never die. That we are good, or even saved from already, is a fiction of the Devil. Those deceptive tactics are oft repeated and each are a facet of the “Big Lie” when, “The serpent said unto the woman, ‘You shall not surely die’” (Gen 3:4). Literally, the Serpent did not say that; rather than “surely die” it said, “mut, mut, mut” in the Hebrew: “die, die, die.” Repetition made it the truth to her and to Adam because Adam thought Eve’s experience was proof enough that God was wrong in this matter.

Let me stress that all you read, see, and hear be tested for veracity, not only for vaccines and such, but all that you see and hear, even preacher’s (and my) commentary on the Bible. Your life and even eternity depends on knowing the truth.

The worst place for deception is our body of knowledge — the educational system. All the while schools have subtly taught atheism, as it turns out, the greatest minds in science now do not believe the narratives.

You seldom hear the word “deception” any longer, but the use of the word “narrative” is in vogue. It is to repeat some treatise so often that for the naïve it becomes the truth.

Each day, politicians broadcast their narratives of the day in unison. With thousands of commenters blasting their deception sixty-two thousand four-hundred repetitions, for some, do make one truth. Like naïve Eve, you have been beguiled, yet fail to even notice that it was too fantastic to be true!

Jesus was crucified and died. He arose from the grave, doing the impossible. Ezven that fantastic event was dismissed because it could not be true. Pilate, his wife, the repentant thief, and even the centurion saw the truth, but what happened on the Cross was just too far out for them to believe; yet they look at the majesty of the Creation and deny the truth!

You become what you believe. Christians believe the Word. It is repeated 112 times in the Bible, yet many of you still do not believe it!

On the other hand, those like Rachel Maddow, Joy Bahar, and all the other anchors repeat some mantra so many times, for many of you; it becomes the truth.

Biden and Harris speak continually of Trump’s “threat to democracy” and his “insurrection,” half the populace believe Trump is an “existential threat,” and that MAGA’s are indeed a “basket of deplorables,” as Hillary Clinton said.

What should you do lazy voter? Test all things and hang onto what is good — the truth. The truth cannot be discovered unless you question, but of course, just as the Serpent disliked Eve’s questioning, so goes the media and politicians.

 Always, always question the narrative for your life's sake!





[1] “The Shadow on the Wall” about Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and the Pilate question: Herrin Daily Thoughts: THE SHADOW ON THE WALL (

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