Monday, August 26, 2024


Ezekiel again had a close encounter with God, “The Word of the Lord came again unto me, saying…” (Ezek 23:1).

The Word was active in scripture, according also to the gospel of John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:1-3)

The Word came often unto Ezekiel and so it is with Christians. “The Word” is now written, but with Ezekiel it came unto him from the Thoughts of God.

Most Christians, during their catechism, have been taught that “The Word” is both Jesus and the written words of the Bible.

“Word” in the Greek is “Logos.” Most Christians have heard that translation at one time or another. However, The Word Pre-existed the New Testament, so it should be expected that it should be the same existence in different languages. In the English it is “Word,” and in the Greek, it is “Logos.” What is it in Hebrew? That will come later.

In the Old and New Testaments, The Word showed ownership. In Ezekiel, The Word is of the Lord, and in John, The Word was God. The former is a trait of God and the latter the very Identity of God. Traits are passed down genetically. Identities are genetic. In this age, the Identities of beings and even plants — all life — is encoded in the genome of people. (The “genome” is the totality of the genes in all the nuclear cells of the body.)

Humans have genomes as do all the creatures; it is their identities “burned” into their flesh by nucleic acids. In other words, the identity of every person has been burned into every nuclear cell of their bodies.

As “Father God” Yahweh is the Dynamic of the burning process. He burned into every nuclear cell of Adam and the woman His Image (Selem in the Hebrew). The two Adamah were like God but of very different “spins,” one being make and the other female. However, both were of God who shared His Dynamic with the first two human beings, but not with the animal kingdom.

Selem literally means “shadow” or figuratively “phantom.” I propose that the Image of God and both the male and the female of the species was chromosomal.

What would they look like “naked” (Gen 2:25)? They were “bare” (Strong 2006). Perhaps the two had no opaque flesh but were phantom-like beings; not truly ghosts but appeared to be like ghosts.

I submit that they may have been chromosomal beings who both had God showing in them. In other words, they were glorious beings like God who was also chromosomal, being the very Genome of Jesus who was the “Son of God,” not in a biological sense, but by genetics.

The Greek expression is “khroma-soma” which mean the “color of the body.” The Body of God and the bodies of both the man and the woman had color, a very white color. So white that is was nearly transparent. To be revealed more clearly, chromosomes require staining with any of the basic colors.

Now imagine them “naked;” they would have appeared to be ghosts just like selem means. In other words, the chromosomes of the first two human beings were showing. They were without flesh since chromosomes are in every nuclear cell of their bodies. I submit that their flesh was of some type of transparent covering that revealed their souls (nepes; Gen 2:7) — their inner creature. Hence, the inner creature of mankind was their “soul” and they were not ashamed of their nakedness because within their covering, they were like God.

It appears that “The Word” was the Phantom Image of God that moved among mankind (Gen 3:8). The Word walked among them. Perhaps The Word, “The Voice” was the Genome of God that was naturally chromosomal and who could be identified only by His actions, or dynamics. They could not see God but only “heard” Him coming. That was the same for Ezekiel who did not see God, but certainly heard Him as the Word, speaking.

Naturally occurring chromosomes appear, not white, but in white light, invisible, requiring that they must be stained to be visible. God was not stained by anything, so God appeared to mankind as The Word. He too was “naked” in a sense because He was invisible to the eyes of His two creatures.

That sin is a “stain” is more than a euphemism, as you shall see! Even Job, speaking of his own birth, indicated that he was born stained (Job 3:5).

Perhaps you are beginning to understand; the Bible is all about genetics from the word, “Genesis” to the phrase “born again” that literally means to be “engendered from above.” Most call that expression “regeneration.” God removes the stain with an infusion of The Word, and with the Christian, the Image of God is renewed.

It took time for existence to be fully generated, and it also would take time for regeneration to be fully accomplished. It must be endured to the end (Mat 24:13) when the soul is saved (1 Pet 1:9); being that inner creature that is made anew. Hence death accomplishes glorification and Christians who endure to the end will be remade in the Image of God; which is what? Their Identities will be washed of the stain and their souls will be like God’s Invisible supernature.

Christ in us is The Word of God within our souls (Ephes 6:17) — the very Image of God within us. Christians change genetically, and the new nature (the new creatures; 2 Cor 5:17) emerges from the old, stained creatures.

How can one determine if their souls have Christ in them? It is by whether The Word is within them. The Word begins with the mind, so the mind must lie within the soul, not the brain. The brain is merely the “vessel” that steers the life that God gave us. The Word is the Pilot within our souls. The Word reveals where we go wrong; it is our moral and spiritual compass to get us to where God is!

Abraham, like Noah before him, who found grace (Gen 6:8), had The Word come into him as well, “The Word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward” (Gen 15:1). Abaham was made a “saint” when The Word of God came unto him. Abram was regenned and he became a new creation, then called “Abraham” — “The Shield.”

Hence, The Word is what protects our flesh until new flesh is put on, as with Adam and Eve (Gen 3:21). With that said, we must imbue The Word to remain safe until the soul is saved. Christians, like Jesus long before, have God growing in them. So long as Jesus was wearing flesh, he was vulnerable, and like Him, Christians, so long as they wear the flesh of an animal, are vulnerable as well (1 Pet 5:8).

So, what is “The Word” in Hebrew? Dabar. A “spoken” thing. The Word was the “Voice” that moved in the Garden. The Word is the Action — The Dynamic — of the Invisible God. Adam and the woman heard Him approaching. Maybe God did not even speak to them, but they knew He was there by His influence on the things of the Garden. The firm things moved as God approached and since Adam and Eve did not see Him but saw His Movement; they knew it was God who approached them. Therefore, how does God speak to mankind to this day? Not audibly but by His actions.

When The Word came unto Ezekiel, he knew it was God because his thoughts were not his own, but the Thoughts of God to him.

According to Isaiah God “said” this: “For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways” (Isa 55:8). Hence, God speaks to us in thoughts. We must test all things and hang onto what is good (1 Thes 5:21).

It seems that The Word of God is not the paper (Bible) on which the Thoughts of God are written, but the inspiration of God (2 Tim 3:16). Hence, scripture is not the written Word but the Thoughts of God. Because God was with us, “The Word” walked and inspired mankind verbally. However, The Word is not the English version but the very Greek Words that Jesus said. The red-letter edition of the Bible, if it had been in Greek, would have been The Word; the very Good Dynamic (Virtue) from the mouth of God.

Jesus lost Virtue to make people whole. Somehow The Word inspired certain people, among them was the woman with a “blood issue;” perhaps genetic hemophilia that is usually most affects males. When Jesus made the woman whole again, he changed her genome and no longer did she carry a genetic malady. “Haemophilia C occurs equally in both sexes and is mostly found in Ashkenazi Jews” (Wikipedia 2023).

That the woman had a blood issue is important. If it was hemophilia, the woman acquired it from the defective X-chromosome of either her father or mother. Fathers cannot pass it down to males. Why is that so important? Because it is Eve that is the mother of all the living (Gen 3:20). The woman’s X-chromosome was stained in a sense. It had nutated genetically.

Generally, hemophilia is a male dominant defect. The woman, because she was Jewish, would have had Hemophilia C. People with hemophilia C are the “bleeders;” the woman just could not stop the bleeding, so in a sense, the Blood of Jesus “bled” for her as he Himself lost Virtue. Could Jesus have bled right then to lose Virtue? That is certainly a possibility.

However, not only was her blood issue cleared but she somehow got a little God in her soul. “Wholeness” is not just the flesh but her soul was fixed and she should have sinned no more; but she still wore sinful flesh, so Jesus asked her to do the impossible because the flesh is the image, not of God, because it was “stained” by the Serpent, which I believe was the bacterial DNA in the mitochondria that only the woman has the dynamic to do. And so it is that only she is the “mother,” or gens, of all the living.

“The Adversary” got unto the woman while she was being formed in the womb (iniquity, Psalm 51:5) through her autosomes. One of her 44 chromosomes were recessive. It got into her from some past ancestor. Satan could have done that. Jesus, however, fixed it! The Word — the “Virtue” (Dynamic) from Him got into her. Hence, it seems that “The Word” of scripture is the Good Actions of God to overcome the world.

Perhaps that helped, or did it only hinder. However, it does make sense in all respects.





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