Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Both politicians and people of faith should present their cases for their faith and then refrain from other ado, thusly to avoid hostility and ill will.

The mind is a beautiful thing that rejects encroachment. In other words, we are happy to live a myth since it delays coming to grips with the truth, Politicians and theologians often trespass into the world of the others. Even more so, entertainers enter the minds of others, often so easily, that we are unaware. In a sense, we are indeed whatever mode of entertainment that we choose to participate.

For instance, I avoid both rock and rap music because the messages are the most secular of any other genres. Oftentimes they are not only secular but wicked. All music forms present messages that are accompanied by a tune to make them palatable.

Entertainment is like giving your dog and unwanted pill by placing the awful pill in a doggy treat. Most often, those who love entertainment swallow the “pill” because they enjoy the emotion and satisfaction that is derived from it. Like Pavlov’s dog, they don’t care if an object is forthcoming, so long as they are able to salivate. Provocative music is a great example for that type of hollowness.

By now, musicians are surely infuriated. Do not be for that is just my opinion that is backed up by much psychological research, as well as evidence from real life. If I am wrong that is just the opinion of one person. Why should anyone care about what I think unless it threatens their own “forts.”

People do erect barriers. I do as well even though I try not to! Few of us want to hear the opinions of others because we are then forced to challenge our own. Most people are comfortable living a lie because that is the version of reality that causes them the least stress and anxiety.

Poltitics is the most gruesome. For instance, I do not watch the Democrat National Convention because it is stressful to me. How could anyone believe all the lies; the main one that suddenly Kamala Harris will be the best president ever. I know the real Kamala from years of listening to her stupidity. That is my opinion and right now many Democrats will cease reading because they are comfortable being a Democrat regardless of who their leader might be.

They are more uncomfortable with the alternative, Donald Trump. People vote for the party with which they feel comfortable. Because people nearly always vote a party line, and so did their parents or other mentors, they vote that way because they feel comfortable.

People are like Pavlov’s dog that soon got adjusted even receiving nothing whenever the bell was rung.

People of color have been conditioned in that same manner. So long as the Democrats promise, they salivate even at the thought of getting something in return for their allegiance. Now, most blacks are satisfied with little as their masters become richer as the bell tolls, meaning the closing bell of the New York Stock Exchange. Their conditioning provides the power for others to get rich at their expense, but they feel more comfortable with Democrats because it is in their blood due to centuries of servanthood to the Democrats on their plantations.

For myself, I feel comfortable voting Republican because I have prospered during the years of Republican rule. It is not so much economical for me, but I feel more comfortable with the party that has been right the most in history.

Democrats created the Indian “Trail of Tears,” slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, and now they have “reimagined” America. Based on their political genetics, would any sane person believe that their “Great Reset” would be good for blacks or any Americans? Can you not see that the Democrat Party has divided America based on race and even sexuality, pitting almost everyone against each other. Their ideologists have created a trans-sexual people, a transhuman people, and even a transracial people by encouraging miscegenation in nearly all entertainment commercial breaks.

Why would the progressive media present so many mixed-race and homosexual commercials? For you to get the message that what was once taboo is now okay. Even conservatives are now quite comfortable with those lifestyles. It is not that they are wrong but that their messages are paid for by we the people who may have different opinions.

Now back to my premise. If someone wants a mixed-race marriage that is none of my business. If anyone wants to commune with the opposite sex, neither is that any of my business. What IS my business is that they endeavor to force their opinions on us by repetition.

Aldous Huxley wrote, “Sixty-four thousand four-hundred repetitions make one truth.” Of course, repetition has nothing to do with truth but it is psychological conditioning. My point is that you are cunningly conditioned continually, and you are fine knowing that your thoughts are not your own!

Now for some theology: The so-called “Serpent” said to the woman when she was tested whether she really belonged to God, “You shall not surely die” (Gen 3:4). First off, due to translations and the repetition so many billions of times, many Christians accept the idea that the female of Adam’s kind was talking to an intelligent snake. Now, let me say, only one time; She was talking to Lucifer whose nature was as a snake — “cunning” (Strong 2006). That Lucifer appeared as a serpent makes Christianity seem more mythological than if the angel, Lucifer, was a cunning, alien beast.

Because of the talking serpent, what would most people think? Judeo-Christianity is much like Greek mythology, and then they would reject either one.

 So, it was Lucifer who said that you will “surely die.” No, Lucifer did not say that; he said “mut, mut, mut” if he spoke the Hebrew language. He repeated, if it had been in English, “die, die, die.” My point is that repetition was used even with the first sin to imbue sin. Lucifer had conditioned the woman, and she became sub-servient to him (Gen 4:1).

Because Eve is our “Adam” as “the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20) are nature is like hers. The “Devil” Lucifer got into her genes, not through her pants as she was naked, but into her nature. Since that time, due to “original (genetic) sin” mankind is easily deceived.

Repeat anything many times and foolish men and women will most often go for the bait. We are so easily conditioned by deception, that human beings are more gullible than dogs who can sniff out those with evil intentions. To circumvent that, evil is always presented as “good” as was the case with Eve’s first encounter with Lucifer (Gen 3).

Now back to the comfort zones of us humans. Evil people feel more comfortable with other evil people.

In politics, evil people agree with a political “platform” whereon the majority adhere. Examine the two platforms of the major parties; both sound beneficial, do they not? The cream-of-the -crop writers do a paramount performance in making evil things seem good.

Marxism itself sounds good, but to implement legalized theft — equity — requires great control and supreme force.

Just as Eve was bewitched by the free things hanging on the tree, she failed to look long range and so did the male Adam who watched. The woman did not die and that made the “Good God” out to be the Deceiver and the Deceiver out to be the good guy.

If the man had waited for the long-term results, he would have known for sure that indeed both would die, die, die! Which they did long-term (930 years for the male.)

That seems generous, and most of us would be satisfied with that, but compared to eternity, as Adam found out, even a millennium was nothing!

The point therein is that we should all look at the long term. What will things be like in the future for we the people?

All that we need to do is look at the past and see the future. The most dominant hoax ever pulled on mankind was to trust the government that would make even the world prosperous for a thousand-year reign. That was what would be the goal of the Third Reich.

Those with money, due to inflation, obtain more wealth while those with limited money can buy less. As such, inflation makes some richer as the masses get poorer. We are in such an economic state at the present. We are on the verge of a return to Nazism.

Inflation caused Nazism. Their German marks were worth more to burn as fuel than to buy things. During the Weimer Republic, diners paid first because the prices would rise as they ate. Eating was a privilege because money was trash to be burned and it took thousands of marks to even eat at all.

Republics are almost always bound  to failure because the “representatives” spend your money as their own. Republics are easy pickings for Marxists who truly desire to make things better for mankind, but without a God to direct a long-lasting recovery.

Marx meant well with his socialist “Communist Manifesto,” even failing to realize that there would be many “Hitler’s” that would use it for evil purposes.

Stalin even out-Hitlered, Hitler!

Because something is meant to be good does not make it good. Marx, from his grave, has destroyed more nations than any dictator ever by the misuse of what seemed good; that became insane ideologies.

In general, nations that are about to fall can be revealed early on by their inflation rates. Those trillions of dollars that have been spent so wastefully, giving things we don’t have to people with needs and now wants; the inflation curve reveals we are not a great nation but like demon-possessed pigs, and the cliff is near and convenient.

Dictators buy votes by spending fake money that they make. Dictators don’t even care whether it is real money or not, so long as their serfs think it is money. In America, there is no longer real money for the masses. The privileged have real money: gold and silver but all the people have is worthless paper money that has utility so long as the people have faith in their fake “god.”

Inflation is the most divisive thing since God divided the waters from the waters. Inflation creates the have and the half-nots but so long as politicians promise more of worthless paper bills, they are deluded into keeping things the way they are.

The people have been deluded and lived an illusion for nearly fifty years. We are not great and to even want to make us great again is anathema to those who gain from our delusion of prosperity. They will always promise “soon” but soon never comes1

What you have read, if you read this far, is my opinion, but it is based on reality. We see it happening, yet deny what must never happen again, is happening again. The Great Reset of our world’s leaders is making things bad again, yet that is okay with the people because it is coming so gradually that the change goes unnoticed.

My problem is that I have noticed the gradual, insidious change and realize it is not pleasing to me nor God.

Now you can do three things with my opinion: (1) Care less, (2) get angry and hateful because you have different beliefs, or (3) accept my premises. However, you should not hate me because I think the way I do!

Hatred of ideas are “thought crimes” in totalitarian countries. Hating us, even MAGA deplorables, based on our thoughts and ways, is punishment for the way we think, and how you think decides whether we the people of the Constitution are the existential threat or those who hate us so much that we need to be silenced.

Thought Crime - by Michael Huemer - Fake Noûs




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