Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Usury is prevalent in the world as it always has been, but even most Christians fail to see that sin. Please take time out to understand that representative politics is usury when it is for devious purposes, mainly for power over somebodies.


God revealed the offenses that Jerusalem had done that made it doomed to destruction. Yes, things do offend God and He takes retribution. In today’s vernacular, God sent a mean “tweet” to the people of Jerusalem using the pen of Ezekiel, to wit: The word of the Lord came unto me, saying…” (Ezek 22:1)

God “tweeted” several things; among them were this one, “Now, you son of man (Ezekiel), will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? yes, you shall show her all her abominations” (Ezek 22:2).

God assigned Ezekiel to be judge of over Jerusalem. God is Supreme, so Ezekiel was made a supreme judge in the court of God.

Although nobody is to judge (Mat 7:1). Ezekiel was to judge the people using the standards of God. God provided the standards in chapter 22 that were the fair metrics for Ezekiel to judge, fulfilling part two of the judgement clause of Jesus, “With what measure you mete it shall be measured to you again” (Mat 7:2). However Ezekiel would judge, it would be the same standard that he would judge himself.

Today’s focus is on a seldom discussed issue:

The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. (Ezek 22:29)

That is not the worst accusation among many of that chapter, but it does need discussing. This offense, like all the others in this chapter, are “abominations;” they are some things that are disgusting to the Lord.

The accusation that God made about Jerusalem is that they had vexed the poor and needy. They had been mean-spirited with the poor and needy. Another word for that was that they had oppressed the poor and needy. Another word for that is suppression (Strong 2006).

Socialism is based on the idea that poor people have been suppressed from having the things the wealthy have. That is the basis of DEI in modern lingo: diversity, equity, and inclusion.

DEI is a noble attempt to be fair to everyone, but it is problematic since it makes sinful people part of the welcomed diversity. Diversity is meant for those who cannot help the state in which they find themselves, but God had found the Jerusalemites to be disgusting with all sorts of sexual inclinations: “You (the people) have despised mine holy things and have profaned my sabbaths” (Ezek 22:8).

Of course, Sabbaths are one holy thing wherein God’s people were to refrain from doing about anything to revere God. They were not to work at all, but to spend all their day, focusing not on themselves, but on God.

Sabbaths are a challenge — to go one day and one night without sinning. If you do nothing but think about God, then there would be no sin. In fact, every day should be a Sabbath Day wherein God’s people take a break from their sins. Christians are to take a break on the Lord’s Day, Sunday, albeit God rested on Saturdays in the beginning and after the crucifixion.

From a utilitarian perspective, Sunday has become the Sabbath day because western people have traditionally worked from Monday through Saturday, so Sunday was the day of rest, and to be honest, Emperor Constantine stole the pagan holiday “Sun-Day” out from under the pagans.

If people took one day to rest from sin to revere God, then which day should not be significant. Even though Christians choose which day, even they do not keep Sunday as the Sabbath day! That the Jews failed to keep any day was problematic to God (Ezek 22:8)! By profaning the Sabbath, the Jerusalemites had “wounded” God (ibid); they had hurt God’s feelings.

The people had despised God’s holy things. Many were sexual in nature, but oppression was just as disgusting to God.

To be honest, Marxism is a noble attempt to do good things. Karl Marx’s good will for man was expressed by his cardinal declaration: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Indeed, those who have not the ability, should be provided for by those who do have the ability. Note that it is based on ability, not motivation. In practice, that has been rewritten to satisfy the slothful, “From each who are motivated, to each who are not motivated.” Sometimes the most motivated are those who are handicapped but somehow still provide for themselves in spite of it.

Furthermore, the “needs” have become the desires of the heart, down to the point that socialists expect others to pay to abort their children; mostly because the women and the men were not motivated enough to show constraint, or at least some protection! That unborn children will be inconveniences does not meet the standard of “needs’ and neither is it equitable.

The American version of equity is the “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” according to the U.S. Constitution — the very basis of our government.

The distortion of Marxism is that happiness is the responsibility of those who work, albeit our patriots did not seek, nor guarantee, happiness but only the pursuit of it. Marxism has been distorted to include happiness, and unless the loud mouths are happy, then they rebel. That’s why all the dissension and the burning of big cities — the government is not guaranteeing their happiness.

People are not happy (content) because nothing is holy to them. “We the people” still do mostly unholy things and pay for them by resting from God one day a week. Sunday has become more pagan than ever; it is now “Our-Day” where even Christians do whatever they want to do to be entertained.

A deacon I know voted against Sunday evening services because his children were too busy to rest to please the Lord. That is the purpose of a Sabbath — to “unbusy” ourselves.

Although God does not want to oppress His people, neither does He want others to oppress their neighbors. Good measures outside of the talents of God are worthless. Albeit “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is a noble idea it is godless.

That would mean it is us who blesses, and God is even cursed by Marxism. They think, We do not need God to bless us because we can take care of both ourselves, and others without the intervention of God. To depend on God was silliness to Marx who expected willing workers to provide the “charity” or be vexed.

Because people are not really the beneficial gods, then tyrannical governments must force people to be more “generous,” hence the introduction of repressive taxation. Rather than progressive, socialists (the left) are the most regressive of all people that gather in the name of equity and love!

Socialism is repressive, even oppressive. To be fair, we the people are classified between those with ability and those without ability — the “needy,” using their word.

How is that oppressive? If anyone has brown skin, they automatically become “the oppressed” and those who do not see their color as an obstacle to success are classified as “the oppressors.”

Socialists require a sign like the ancient Jews (1 Cor 1:22). The sign that people have no abilities is their degree of blackness. That is the progressive way of delineating between the supreme race and the inferior races. If you are a person of color, you obviously cannot do things for yourselves; that is the way they think. “Equity” is not equality but giving more to those who seem less, so they are on par with those with abilities.

Now think of slavery. The blacks were the oppressed, but they also had the ability. The gentlemen of the plantations made them think that they had no abilities, all the while they leeched on the abilities of the slaves. The gentlemen deceived the negroes, and successfully convinced them that without the nobility, blacks would be no more than helpless children who he must take care of from the cradle to the grave.

Those “gentlemen” and “gentile women” were Democrats, and their sin was usury; they oppressed others for their own livelihoods. They themselves were without much ability in the field and kitchens, so they stole the abilities of their “lesser” people for their own glanderous live styles. Even before Marxism, they were inherently Marxists. Marxism was born when Adam had to work because he had sinned, and since it was to be hard work, mankind got others to do their work — namely those of dark skin for the most part (Gen 3:19).

Slavery is the ultimate case of usury. Slavery is making people think they have no value while at the same time using their valuable abilities!

So, what is usury? You probably do not know what it is, but it is the Democrat M.O. “Usury” is interest on a debt. The Judeo-Christian thing to do is to repay what is owed but not to profit from the lack of ability to pay now.

Slavery in the United States began with indentured servitude wherein the immigrant owed the sponsor for travel from the old world to the new.

William Johnson, a free black man, saw an opportunity; that it was conducive to keep the servants forever. The work beyond what was owed was usury. Johnson was paid in full and with interest. Hence, slavery is using people for gain which is the sin of usury.

Democrats owned the slaves and fought a war to keep them. Then after the war, Democrats in unity voted against the amendment to free them.

Then they created a shadow government — the Ku Klux Klan, the “Invisible Empire” to prevent them from succeeding. When that failed, new sets of law were sponsored by Democrats — Jim Crow laws that kept them in their places; ostensibly as lesser people who could be contained in the confines of their invisible empire, perhaps vicarious “plantations” that exist in mostly big cities. [1]

Progressive Democrats still consider the brown races inferior peoples who, without their assistance, are helpless little children with no abilities of their own to pursue happiness and prosperity. Hence, brown and black peoples to this day remain in chains and as you can see by demographics about 75% of the black race is still chained in a plantation that they cannot see that even exists.

They do have abilities, and like Lucifer who deceived God’s servants into becoming his servant, the dark races buy into the premise that they must be inferior because without Democrats, they have no value. Indeed, when the War ended, the South made it even without slavery, or so the liberals of that day thought.

Slavery still exists almost two hundred years after it “ended,” but it is more subdued now. Now blacks are content with Juneteenth — a day for them to make them feel freed.

Most blacks now enjoy the thought that they need not work in the fields, but are sort of like their former masters, living near them in a wing of the manor, almost like them, but not quite.

Democrats have a love of money… a cardinal sin. They prefer a lot of money all the while their black voters only want some of that money. Democrats do not care, so long as blacks do not become “uppity” and want part of the plantation for themselves. Right now, the whites reside in the big guy’s White House, but now they must allow the “uppity” dark ones inside the House to keep them content. They know in advance that white guys will still rule but the black guys and gals will be their “foremen” and “forewomen.”

Why do Democrats want Kamala? Because she will do as she is told to do. That is the nature or Democrats. They have been that way since they paved the way for the Trail of Tears to direct the Indians to contentment.

Never believe what people say they will do but judge them for what they have done. That’s what God directed Ezekiel to do, and that is fair and equitable.

picture credit: iStock






[1] For more on that consider reading my book, A Day on the Democrat Plantation.

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