Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Many people prefer to not discuss religion and politics on social media or even in person. On the other hand, they select entertainment that is both political and religious. What is forgotten, politics and religion both have directions.

Good politics are civil in direction. Civics are how societies exist without strife. Everyone should favor a civil society. That is a political viewpoint. Others prefer chaos. To be honest democracies are meant to be civil self-management but when groups of people assemble, most oft4en chaos ensues. 

The perfect example of a democracy existed during the days of Micah who resided on Mount Ephraim and who made a society to his liking. He became "king" there on that mountain, made idols from the treasury, and appointed a priest. Micah established a "House of Micah," for-Micah to be clever. That is politics at its worst, but Micah was free to create any society he wished because of the lack of a formal political agency:

And the man Micah had an house of gods, and made an ephod, and teraphim, and consecrated one of his sons, who became his priest. In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Jud 17:5-6)

A country without a king or any other type of civil government is a pure democracy. Micah did what he wanted to do without any constraints. He established "The House of Micah: and the first thing he did was to create his own gods and established his own priesthood atop that mountain. 

Every man could have done the same thing because there was no political order, so Micah did the natural thing; he became king of the mountain. He had lived in a democracy wherein each man did what was right in his own eyes, and then he did what arrogant men do; he made himself a king.

 A "democracy" is a state wherein the people rule. A "state" is more than an area of land but a principle. Everybody seems to favor the "state" of a democracy, except "isms" such as socialism, but it is the living conditions in which people exist. 

For Micah, he had the mountain, the treasury, and the power, so Mount Ephraim became his state, and he was doing what was right in his own eyes in a very democratic manner.

There the people ruled, and he was that person. He ruled, not his mother who quickly began to take orders from her powerful son, doing everything that he wanted her to do; then he selected a priest who was to administer the new kingdom to ensure the gods that Micah created were obeyed. 

The graven images could not speak, so the people had to have a mediator between them and their gods. The mediator was the priest. He was to be the "mouth" of the silent gods, and Micah would be the invisible "god" whose "puppet" was the priest. 

Micah did that, but so could anyone who had the land, power, money, and stupid followers. Micah depended on the stupidity of the people on Mt. Ephraim who could have assembled against him, but they did not. 

As Jonathan Gruber admitted, Obama's initiative "depended on the stupidity of the American voter," and so did Micah's. Along came the people of the tribe of Dan of Israel to Micah's kingdom. How stupid would the Danites be?

As it turned out, the tribe of Dan became like the House of Micah with their hand engraved images as their gods. As anyone can see, doing what is right in your own eyes is contagious. Democracy is doing what is right in your own eyes... everybody's. 

Everyone thinks of a democracy as a good thing, However, democracy can be good under God, or it can be not so good with false gods. 

Democracies are hard to make work because everyone doing what is right in their own eyes can be chaotic. The only time in scripture that people assembled in one accord was when the Holy Ghost was revealed (Acts 2:1). In most situations, those of one mind had on their minds one thing -- to undermine God. 

In the case of Nimrod who built the tower to reach God, they were of one accord against God; according to the Book of Jasher only Abraham was not in accord with them.

Democracies seldom work because of two things: (1) the parties have different goals or (2) there is dissension among the party's members.

Democracies, to work, must be of one accord. even when they disagree, as Dan showed Micah, there are always two factions. Dan even stole Micah's gods and priest. There are almost always factions within democracies which undermine one another. 

The only "democratic" institution that ever had a chance of working was founded upon Christ, "when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place" (Acts 2:1). All of them were of one mind with one passion, indubitably to see their King Jesus again. He did not come in person but in Spirit and Power. 

Jesus was not a king as we think of them in this age, or even that age. Those assembled were democratic in their selection of the only King to whom they would adhere. There was finally a King in those days who was recognized as such by the people. Not only was Jesus a king like Micah but He also was the royal Priest. Jesus was even the only true Image of God that was made by the hands of God!

Jesus had set up His own kingdom on Earth in the manner of Micah, but unlike Micah it was a democratic-monarchy wherein all the citizens of that kingdom freely chose Jesus as their Sovreign.

On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost of Jesus returned to set up a democratic republic on Earth, not on Mount Ephraim but Mount Calvary. Thereon was the throne of God on Earth that was the King's "footstool" (Acts 7:49).

In the Kingdom of God on Earth, there were no laws because those in accord with God and each other required no laws. Indeed, that kingdom is the "Church" -- "a body or organization of religious believers: such as the whole body of Christians" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). 

The Church was meant to be the only virtuous democracy. The body of believers choose to be not only in Church, but the Church for the Church is the body of believers in Christ. Nobody makes a Christian go to Church because they assemble, even a few in the Name, Jesus, for there goes the Church, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mat 18:20). 

Those who are gathered in the Name of Jesus have no rules to follow. The Ten Commandments cease to be commandments but a list of privileges to demonstrate accordance with God and others. They are no longer rules but only the "Constitution" of the Church and the written covenant in the hearts of men to either do or not to do, as they please. 

God never disassociates the body of believers from His democratic-republic, but they remain as free agents in a democracy where they are free to leave or remain. There are no walls around the true Church to bar entry or egress, People are free to come and go as they please, and even to not to go. 

Churches once made laws to force attendance under the threat of "gaol" (jail). The colonial church was not a Church at all, but a prison of sorts wherein even the non-believers were required to go under the threat of punishment.

The early Church became a dictatorship on the order of Herod the Great. Those who had wealth were the "church" and those who had little were the servants of the leadership. With no king in Judah, the chief priests of the House of Annias became the dictators and assumed the role of kings whose bidding all the body of believers must do.

In a democracy, the majority rules. Unfortunately, the majority is often those with significance. Generally, they have been property owners who have the means to pay taxes and who are forced to share the wealth. For those who trusted the government, they would pay their taxes because it was a fair system in their own eyes. However, those who were not significant were forced to pay taxes for services that only a few could enjoy. Nobody in a pure democracy looked out for the small guy, so slavery was acceptable for it took the insignificant few and made then useful to those who had greater advantages in the government.

Perhaps the reader is by now noticing the type of "democracy" favored by the Democrat Party. They made the indignant people useful by harnessing their powers. 

Plantation systems like the idea of states' rights, but on their estate, it was the rights of the privileged. Uncontrolled democracy put fetters on those considered inferior. On their "mountain" inferior races (to them) were put in a mobile jail of sorts. They could come and go as if they are free, but all the while there were boundaries with invisible high fences never to be crossed. 

A Democrat "democracy" was, and still is, wherein lesser people are controlled. Slaves even felt safe serving on plantations because their masters were the "gods" who took care of them from cradle to the grave. 

Marxism was created, not in Germany or Russia, but on the plantations of Democrats in America. Even Marx toured them and saw the good in that insane ideology and wanted the world to be like plantations. His vision is near completion. 

In my book, A Day on the Democrat Plantation, I reveal how urban cities are the modern-day "plantations" and the Democrats who are assembled there are slaves to Democrats who trade their freedom for care from cradle to the grave. All the work that they now need do is to vote regularly for their Democrat masters because they think they are happy where and how they are!

All the while they think that they are happy in a democracy, the newly created "race" of people (the poor of any color) remain chained to the confines of urban dwelling wherein only a few ever get out. No longer are slaves just black but come in all colors who reveal their inner selves by voting for Democrats even when caged within the high walls of big cities. Democracies of the evil sort always imprison people in contrast to the only virtuous democracy (Christianity) which frees them from their invisible chains. 

Membership in the socialist plantation system comes from voting. Just as blacks were paid to vote for Democrats during the Jim Crow era, they are still given meager gifts to vote for Democrats, and usually payment is made via government checks and welfare cards wherein they cannot even buy what they want to buy.

The Big Lie is that you are better off in a democracy. It is certainly better for them than you, but they depend on your stupidity; all the while thinking you are free but are chained in accord with Democrats, and not even noticing the chains that keep you handy for them during elections.

The United States was not Constituted a democracy. It is a republic. Our Constitution was designed to protect the rights of the few. Representative government was not to protect their own rights but those who govern for the lesser of us. In a sense, they are us when the real votes are counted. They are not to vote for what is better for themselves and what they want to do, but for us, -- we the people which includes even the Clintonian "basket of deplorables."

The problem with democracies is democracies. We the people trust a system that is prone to failure. In whom should we trust? Not the government but only God. 

Democracies represent the most. Whoever gets the most votes hold allegiance to their voters. People naively vote for Democrats all the while thinking that they are doing what is best for them, but that is not a democracy, it is a republic. To whom do the benefits go in a democracy? That should be obvious because even poor politicians obtain wealth while you live on in even more poverty. Inflation steals your money as surely as the thieves grab your wallets. 

Democrats to remain democratic must provide handouts to those who are easily persuaded to vote their way; people who are so poor that anything is more valuable to them than nothing. But in the end, because of inflation, naive voters get nothing all the while, the elite few in government become rich.

Why has your life not improved? Because just like the Democrat Plantations, fear of the outside and that the other side seems alien to you. You have become conditioned like any farm animal that always comes back at the end of the day for just a little more grain!

Politics is in all aspects of life whether you hide your eyes or not. Crafty politicians are out to steal what little is in your wallet even though you cannot feel the hand that lifts it from your pockets. 

Religion has joined the fray! The church is no longer a "Church;" it uses the talents of democratic ideas. It indeed is "WOKE" to how to get rich at the expense of the poor. 

Look at the royal palaces that are built for use on one day in general. do you need that grandeur worship God? The Jews worshipped under tents when they followed God wherever God led them, but now the churches keep people where they are. You are comfortable in church because therein you are expected to do noting while a select few does your worship and teaching for you.

We are not to go to Church. We are the Church going to the world. How can you go to the world while you sit comfortably with others who mostly already believe? 

Christians are comfortable doing nothing! Most of you are happy so long as you get what is in it for you. 

The church seems very democratic, but while you sit there silently, the few who lead the church services often steal the glory of God for themselves. Preachers have stolen valor, they are like the great hunter, Nimrod, whose goal was not really to visit God but to make a name for himself (Gen 11:4).

Just as I was shoved at work because I stood in the doorway of my boss, I have been pushed away by a preacher for just praying for a downcast sinner. I was stealing his glory and was in his way to achieve it. The signal was that he was not my minister but my boss to whom I was not a person but a barrier to be overcome. 

The Church was meant to be democratic and virtuous. Is it now? How many people in your church facility are you in accord? Not very many. Just see who sits with who at church gatherings. 

I have "Church" with those I meet during the week. God directs me to them and often uses the occasion for religion to come up. Indeed, Church is just a religion until those who meet anywhere have accord with God and each other. 

One former member of the mafia that I know became a Christian. He told me that he felt more love from that family than he did from his church family. Many of us feel more love from our neighbors than we do from our church "family," and I use that term loosely.

There are good churches but few great churches. We are expected to speak highly of our church but if you examine it closely, are we all of one accord, and does the Holy Ghost appear regularly as so many endeavor to make a name for themselves? 

For those who think I am criticizing my church, I am, but that is because I am criticizing most churches. We are just one of the many, and to be truthful, wherever I go, I lack as you do. We all diminish the church because none of us are perfect. 

Life is political, even the Church (the Ecclesia). If we do not talk politics or religion, we care little for life nor for God. 

Religion is two-sided just as politics. Because you do not believe in God does not mean you are not religious. Paul spoke to the men of Athens who worshipped an Unkown God (Acts 17:23). He declared to them that the God who they knew not is Jesus, 

The philosophers were making a name for themselves... who was right in their thinking. As such, each had become their own god just as Micah had become the "god" on Mt. Ephraim. 

You are religious! Your idols are not of stones nor woods, but your own fleshes. You are a religious person whose unrecognized god is you, so please do not ask others not to speak of religion when you are the gods and goddesses of your own religion.

iStock; "MegaChurch"

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